Cauliflower: The Original Brain Food
Let’s Taco ‘bout Cauliflower:
an Original Brain Food
Back on our menu today is a seasonal favorite - Cumin-Roasted Cauliflower Taco with queso fresco, arugula pepita salsa & cilantro. It's amazingly crisp-tender, golden-brown and the roasted cumin seeds and extra virgin olive oil combine to add an aromatic flavor that's rich, nutty, and almost buttery!
Cauliflower grows best as a fall crop (cool weather is best for head formation) and local harvests have begun to appear. A member of the cruciferous family, cauliflower packs a nutritional punch. Chockful of vitamins, nutrients, and fiber, it also contains anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties.
If you're eating a whole foods diet, of course you're taking care of your body, but there are actually certain foods that are very important for the brain. Some foods even look like they are good for your mind. Take cauliflower. It visually reminds us of the brain. And sure enough, cauliflower is a brain-boosting superstar. It's a great source of vitamins C and K, which are purported to keep our minds sharp as we age - as well as boost memory.