Pacers Running X Chaia Tacos
Let's Taco 'bout Peer Pressure
All are welcome!
Maybe you know nothing about running. Or maybe you think you know everything about running. Either way, running partners or training groups can help us go farther, get faster, and feel stronger. Starting this Wednesday, May 17, Chaia will host Pacers Running social run club participants for a walk/run, followed by a free iced tea at Chaia.
We will start at Pacers Georgetown (1079 Wisconsin Avenue, NW) and end at Chaia Tacos (3207 Grace Street, NW). Choose a 1.5-mile walk or a 3-mile run along the Capital Crescent Trail.
Research shows that the actions of others rub off on us. Surround yourself with runners, and you'll soon find enablers of the best kind!